About Us

Welcome to Shopformetokyo! We are a Japanese and international team living in Tokyo adore Japanese treats, anime, and all things Japan! Check out our favorite Japanese goodies and Mystery Boxes loaded with scrumptious snacks, munchies, and anime knick-knacks.

We've got a lot of awesome goodies and do our best to meet your needs, like including anime goodies of your fave characters straight from Japan.

Now, you may have noticed that our Anime Mystery Boxes come with a bit of a higher price tag compared to others. If you're a Japan and Anime fanatic like us, you know that top-quality goodies don't come cheap.

We hold ourselves to the same top-notch quality that you find all across Japan and each item in our Anime Mystery Boxes is carefully crafted to meet the standards of even the pickiest otaku! We put in a ton of work into each item in your mystery box to guarantee it's worth every penny!

Plus, we're hardcore Japan and Anime fans, so the goodies in our Anime mystery boxes are totally drool-worthy, just like we'd want for ourselves.

Shop now at Shop For Me Tokyo and snag the coolest Japanese picks for your crib!